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Annual Notices

See required notices, reports, and additional resources for the topic areas below.

The Clery Act requires institutions of higher education that receive federal student aid funds, including NC State, to prepare, disclose and publish campus crime statistics, security policies and safety information communicated to students, faculty, staff and visitors.

2023 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for NC State

University Police Department Clery Compliance Information

Illegal drugs endanger the health and safety of members of the NC State community and imperil the integrity of the pursuit of learning and working. The University is committed to education, counseling, rehabilitation and elimination of illegal drugs.

2024 Annual Notice: Drug-Free School and Workplace

POL 04.20.05 Illegal Drugs

POL 09.00.02 Drug Education, Screening and Counseling Program

REG 04.10.01 Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace

REG 09.00.04 Drug Education Screening, Counseling, and Deterrence Program

If an employee is acting with the course and scope of his or her employment, the State’s excess liability insurance policy provides coverage for acts or omissions in the event the employee is sued individually.

Employee Excess Liability Insurance

NC State creates inclusive working and educational environments free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. NC State recognizes and rewards individuals on the basis of relevant factors such as ability, merit and performance.

Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in all university programs, services and benefits. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination. Sexual violence is the most egregious form of sexual harassment.

2024 Annual Notice: Discrimination and Harassment

POL 04.25.05 Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action Policy

REG 04.25.02 – Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Complaint Procedures

REG 04.25.06 – Equal Opportunity, Title IX and Non-Discrimination Training for Employees

REG 04.25.08 – Title IX Sexual Harassment Resolution Procedure

Office of Equal Opportunity webpage

Reporting and Filing a Complaint – Equal Opportunity

Safe at NC State webpage – including how to File a Report

POL 11.35.01 – Student Conduct

REG 11.35.05 – Code of Student Conduct

REG 11.35.02 Student Disciplinary Procedures

The free and open exchange of ideas remains a hallmark of our university community. At NC State, we continually strive to foster free speech in an environment where members of our community can learn from one another and where all are treated with dignity and respect. We follow all federal and state laws and university policies with respect to free speech and the conduct of campus events.

Annual Report on Free Speech and Free Expression Within the University (The University of North Carolina System)

Free Speech webpage

POL 04.25.01 Freedom of Speech and Expression

NC State Board of Trustees Resolution on the Reaffirmation of Academic Freedom, Freedom of Speech, and Institutional Neutrality

NC State University opposes human trafficking in any form. Not only is human trafficking contrary to NC State’s core values, but is also illegal and therefore subject to prosecution and other penalties under both North Carolina and federal law and regulations. The U.S. Government has a zero-tolerance policy regarding Government employees, contractor personnel or their agents engaging in any form of trafficking in persons. 

NC State employees are expected to report any activity involving the trafficking of persons. NC State prohibits any retaliatory action against individuals who make a good-faith disclosure of suspected human trafficking activities. 

For more information, please visit the SPARCS Human Trafficking webpage.

NC State protects the copyright of others and will discipline employees or students who are found to have illegally downloaded content and/or shared music, movies, videos, games and other online media.

2024 Annual Notice: Illegal Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

Illegal Peer to Peer File Sharing Policy

Illegal Peer to Peer File Sharing FAQs webpage

Certain types of interpersonal relationships among faculty, staff, and students can create an inherent conflict of interest that affects a student or employee’s ability to be objectively supervised, instructed, or evaluated. Some interpersonal relationships among faculty, staff, and students are prohibited (e.g., amorous relationship between student and faculty member) and some relationships are subject to a conflict management plan (e.g., department head supervising related person). Employees and students are expected to be aware of this policy and to report any relationships that may violate or pose a conflict to this policy.

POL 04.20.06 – Interpersonal Relationships among Faculty, Staff and Students

University employees who have a suspicion, information or evidence of misuse of state property must report such information or evidence to University Police, Internal Audit or their immediate supervisor within three days.

REG 07.40.02 – Reporting Misuse of State Property

Each member of the university community has the right to freely express his/her views on any subject, including advocacy for/against candidates for public office. However, in exercising these rights, the resources of the university cannot be used. Engagement in political activities by employees should be conducted independent of their employment and at times when such activity does not interfere with employment. If an employee seeks to be a candidate for office or seeks to serve in office, there are strict timelines and a petition to receive permission.

POL 05.00.04 Political Activities

Political Activities of Employees FAQs

Reminders Regarding University Employment and Political Activities (The University of North Carolina System)

The U.S. Department of Education requires schools to provide consumer information about educational programs and the school’s success. This information is intended to allow students and families to make good decisions as they select a college, ensuring that the university delivers on the services promised.

Student Services Center – Consumer Information

The North Carolina State Board of Elections (SBOE) has approved the use of NC State University’s student and employee identification cards for voting identification purposes. The SBOE requires the below information sheet to be provided to our students and employees. For more information on the qualifications to vote in North Carolina, photo identification requirements for voting, and voting options, see the below infosheet.

North Carolina Voter Registration and Voting Information

Infosheet: Voting as a College Student in North Carolina (PDF) (NC State Board of Elections)

Register and Vote in Your State (U.S. Election Assistance Commission)

National Mail Voter Registration Form (U.S. Election Assistance Commission)

NC State is committed to protecting individuals who report concerns. Reporting suspected violations of law, policies, regulations or rules is a protected activity. Any adverse action (including intimidation, threats, or coercion) taken against an individual because the individual reported a concern constitutes retaliation and is strictly prohibited.

Provost’s 3D Memo